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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Emergency Kit for Evacuation for the Deaf, Blind, and Service Animal

7/12/2024 (Permalink)

Emergency Kit for Evacuation for the Deaf, Blind, and Service Animals in Morgantown. 

Storm Damage & Evacuation in Morgantown. Low vision or hearing loss may make a power outage more difficult in Morgantown. Evacuation may also be more difficult.   

SERVPRO of Morgantown has these tips:   

  • Have an evacuation emergency kit ready. You can also use it at home.  
  • For people who have low hearing or deafness in Morgantown, consider the following:  
  • Extra batteries for hearing aids     
  • If you Sign, have a pen and paper for people who do not know Sign   
  • Backup batteries for any augmentative communication devices  

For people who have low vision or blindness in Morgantown, consider the following:   

  • Use large-print or Braille on labels    Magnifiers or other assistive devices   
  • White cane (if you use one)   
  • Storm damage makes life more difficult for service animals too. 

For people who have service animals in Morgantown, consider the following:    

  • Food, water, and other supplies  
  • Tell emergency responders that your service animal travels with you   
  • Shelters and other buildings may not refuse entry to a service animal   

Links: https://www.ready.gov/individuals-access-functional-needs  

Tracie "Dusty" Nichols


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